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Building opportunities for our lowland peat landscapes

Monday 25th November to lunchtime Tuesday 26th November


Thematic break-out sessions

Whilst day one was focussed on celebrating the great work that is currently being done within the sector, day two is more about looking forward and developing the best platform for the future.


We ran two break-out sessions to discuss questions that were raised by those attending the workshop prior to the meeting. Each session used break-out rooms and the capacity for each group was 30. A record of the discussions was made and it was possible to comment on these remotely, both during and after the meeting. A summary of the discussions is available using the link associated to the question.


Thematic break-out session 1


What are the operational constraints to water level management at varying scales - field, farm, drainage district, river basin?


How can we achieve multiple land use demands ensuring socio-economic & cultural contexts are taken into account in each lowland peat area?


What guidance is needed to support adoption of SW17 & SW18 ?


Are there ways to actually unlock & stack funding options, including green finance for lowland peatlands?


Do we need regional hubs to link growers, funders, business, product developers for paludi crops?


What mechanisms (from other sectors) can we use to build better ways of sharing evidence from science and practice?


Recognising that current government funding for peat is centred on Net Zero outcomes, where should government be focussing its resources for maximum impact?

Thematic break-out session 2


How can we deliver holistic water planning (availability, flood risk, quality)?


Can we build a reliable hydrological model to support the planning and delivery of projects?


How can we streamline consents?


How can capacity be enhanced at the local level to ensure that communities and stakeholders have the skills, resources, and agency to engage meaningfully in policy-making and implementation?


Exploring Landscape Recovery in practice


How can we create cross-policy integration to support action?

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