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Writer's picture Douglas Hobbs

Drone seed sowing at the bulrush wetter farming trial

How do you sow seeds on re-wetted farmland? By drone!

The Wildlife Trust for Lancashire, Manchester and North Merseyside have published an update on their website of the trial using a drone to sow the typha seed at their trial in Greater Manchester.

The work is part of the Natural England Paludiculture Exploration Fund (PEF) “Boggy Bulrushes to BioPuff” project where they are growing a commercial crop of typha (bulrushes) on an area of re-wetted lowland agricultural peat to grow bulrush seed heads that will be used by materials science company Ponda to create BioPuff, a filling for padded jackets that provides a sustainable alternative to goose down or polyester. In this phase of the project, they are working with AutoSpray Systems (PEF project Drone RePeat) to disperse the seed across the site. I will say no more here, for more information please visit their news item.

There is a video embedded in the news item showing the use of the drone for distribution of the typha seed across the trial site which you can also watch on YouTube

We look forward to further updates as the trial progresses.

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