The Benefits of Peatland Restoration for Europe
26 April 2023
A number of peatland project representatives made presentations showing their experiences of work undertaken. The first day of the event, 26th April, was recorded and you can find the recording below or on their YouTube channel
Morning session: Plenary keynotes on policy and technical advances
Session Chair – Lynne BARRATT (NEEMO)
Welcome NABU
Jörg-Andreas KRÜGER (NABU President)
A video message from the European Parliament – Peatlands and the European Restoration Law
Jutta PAULUS (Member of the European Parliament) (pre-recorded)
Keynote 1: EU nature legislation, the Restoration Law, Peatland restoration and biodiversity
Angelika RUBIN (European Commission, DG.ENV.D3 – Nature Conservation)
Keynote 2: EU climate change goals & peatlands Peatland restoration, GHG mitigation and C-removals
Valeria FORLIN, (European Commission, DG. CLIMA.C.3 - Land Economy & Carbon Removals)
Keynote 3: What would CINEA like to achieve? Objectives and expected outcomes of the Platform meeting
Keynote 4: An International Perspective on Peatlands Meeting our international, European and national targets
Dianna KOPANSKY, (Global Peatlands Coordinator, Global Peatlands Initiative, UN Environment Programme)
Q &A session
Keynote 4: European peatlands and current challenges for peatland conservation in the EU
Franziska TANNEBERGER (Greifswald Mire Centre, DE)
Keynote 5: Peatlands and land use – mission impossible?
Hans JOOSTEN (International Mire Conservation Group)
Keynote 6: Peatland restoration for climate change mitigation
Gerald JURASINSKI (University Greifswald, DE)
Keynote 7: Financing peatland restoration - models and legal structures for nature-based investments
Dan HIRD (Nature Based Investments Consultancy, UK) (pre-recorded)
Keynote 8: LIFE and peatlands – past, present and future
Afternoon session: LIFE and peatlands & Introduction to breakout groups
Facilitators: Lynne BARRATT & Jan SLIVA (NEEMO)
‘Elevator Pitch’ presentation session to get a brief insight into as wide a range of projects as possible
5’ short intro from each presenter
Estimated 20 projects presenting
Presentations will be targeted towards one of the 4 themes