Douglas Hobbs
Feb 42 min read
Fibrebroads: Cultivating Sustainable Futures
Monday 17 February, 10:00-17:00 DS4, Norwich University of the Arts , 4 Duke Street, Norwich NR3 3AS The event is free to attend, but...

Katy Ross
Jan 271 min read
What are the greenhouse gas emissions savings associated with paludiculture?
Paludiculture is a potential solution to minimising the 1.5% of total UK emissions from lowland peat.

Douglas Hobbs
Jan 211 min read
Explore the Future of Farming on Peat
Manchester Metropolitan University are hosting a meeting on 27 February at Winmarleigh Village Hall  (just off the M6 between Preston...

Douglas Hobbs
Jan 141 min read
Fens East Peat Partnership Webinars - Paludiculture case study webinars
The Fens East Peat Partnership (FEPP) with Natural England have arranged a series of free monthly webinars on lowland peat restoration...

Douglas Hobbs
Nov 26, 20241 min read
New dates for the Paludiculture Workshop 2025
31 March - 01 April 2025, The Canalside, Bridgwater, Somerset Please note the new dates for this event PEF and other paludiculture...

Douglas Hobbs
Nov 4, 20241 min read
Nematodes in Action
Join Dr. Anusha Pulavarty postdoctoral nematologist and Dr. Douglas McMillan for an insightful webinar about the role of nematodes in...

Douglas Hobbs
Oct 17, 20241 min read
Die Macht der MooreHilfe für die Klimaretter
The power of the moors: Help for the climate A recent ZDF documentary from the series Plan B, looks at wetland recovery and...

Jenny Bennion
Oct 9, 20243 min read
Can you grow lettuce on a bog?
The Rindle wetter farming trial has just been planted up with this years crop of celery and lettuce. But how do you grow crops on a peat...