Paludiculture crops
A practical guide for the propagation and establishment of Sphagnum mosses for restoration purposes
Hölzel N, Kleinebecker T, Knorr K H, and Raabe P
German Federal Environmental Foundation
Common Reed for Thatching in Northern Germany:Estimating the Market Potential of Reed of Regional Origin
Becker L, Wichmann S, Beckmann V
Reed has a long tradition as locally available thatching material, but nowadays thatch is a globally traded commodity. Germany and other major importing countries such as the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Denmark rely on high import rates to meet the national consumption. This study aimed at providing a detailed picture of the thatching reed market in Northern Germany and at assessing the market potential for reed of regional origin. Resources 2020, 9, 146
Sphagnum Farming in Canada: State of Knowledge
Guêné-Nanchen M and t-Hilaire B
The basic concepts about Sphagnum farming, including its benefits and the potential uses of Sphagnum fibres. Various aspects to consider when planning a farming site, namely, the site characteristics and the sources of plant material. The preparation of the farming site, encompassing all aspects of basin development, such as implementing the irrigation system and reintroducing plant material. Maintenance and monitoring of the farming site is presented, followed by harvesting, Sphagnum fibre conditioning, and the various resources needed. The conclusion provides an overview of the key elements along with some useful references.
CSPMA and APTHQ. Québec, Quebec.
Commercial viability of paludiculture: a comparison of harvesting reeds for biogas production, direct combustion, and thatching.
Wichmann S
Ecol Eng 103:497–505.
Potential Paludiculture Plants of the Holarctic.
Abel S, and Kallweit T
Research results have been compiled in the 'Database of Potential Paludiculture Plants', the DPPP. This project was initiated already in 2013 with a worldwide scope (Abel et al. 2013; GMC 2021). The literature search for the DPPP included primary (journals, books, proceedings) and secondary (abstracts, internet sources, other bibliographic tools) sources, and amounts to a total of 1128 plant entries. For this compilation, 95 species or species groups were selected from the DPPP for the Holarctic.
Typha as a circular building material
Brinksma H, van der Stelt M J C and Oostra M
The aim of this paper is to describe the outcomes of a development towards a circular and biobased sandwich panel from Typha. Research is used to make an inventory of the possibilities for realizing a circular sandwich roof element with the use of Cattail (Typha) as a construction and insulation material. It is important to determine what the properties are of the new Cattail sheet material and what preconditions are needed to use Cattail in construction. Currently the industry mainly uses harmful binders, such as aldehydes and isocyanates, these chemicals are heavily polluted These binders cannot be regarded as a circular solution and therefore alternatives had to be found. How can a circular sandwich roof element be made from Cattail and which circular adhesives are important? Finally, it is important to determine what the use of Cattails contributes to the reduction of the amount of carbon and nitrogen. It is possible that a renovation concept can be realized with a negative carbon footprint. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 1122, 2022 Emerging Concepts for Sustainable Built Environment Online